9 of Cups Tarot Card meaning – Love

9 of Cups Tarot Card meaning – Love

When wishes are few, the heart is happy. When craving ends, there is peace.

– Gautama Buddha

nine of cups

I like to call the Nine of Cups the mini me of the Star Card (Major Arcana). As it is the equivalent Minor Arcana card of wish fulfillment. The Major Arcana depicts the big Self, the big life changing events; the deeper transformations. And, the Minor Arcana are the more mundane or the everyday living events that effect change. It’s kind of like the small things that effect the big things. Or, the components of change.

The nine of Cups is an indication of satisfaction and wish fulfillment. As it is a cup card it traditionally portends to emotional or relational happiness.

The imagery & Sybolism

Let’s take a little look at the card as depicted (above) in the Rider Waite deck. We see a contented character on a wooden bench (firm and grounded) with a pleased expression (happiness) wearing a black and white robe (balance of forces) and yellow shoes (prosperity). He seems established with a trophy of 9 cups behind him representing his emotional fulfillment.

As the cups relate to love and our relational desires we can see that there is a love accomplishment that he is very pleased with the result.The girl.png

Love Meaning

In a love reading it can mean that the person you have had your heart set on is coming forward or has come forward with declarations of love. The feelings are mutual and the relationship has a positive potential. There are deep feelings of affection and attraction between both people and the love is definitely a soul connection.

It is good to remember that this card has a newness about it – the wish fulfillment is present,  it has been granted; yet there is an energy of possibility. As the Ten of cups is the ultimate love card and this card has 9 cups, it suggests that the wish has arrived yet time and circumstances and behaviors will need to be played out before the final cup is offered.

If in a long term relationship the nine of cups can be indicative of a new level of commitment, or a new passion arising in the relationship. It forebodes a new development that will bring great joy to the querent. It suggests that something you have been wanting from a deep soul level is finally available to you and you will be overjoyed.

Stay Beautiful and Blooming

You can expect a balancing of Karma from past actions of patience, loving kindness and trusting in your love. A time of uncertainty (8 of cups) and longing is about to end. A new cycle is born.

Work & Projects Meaning

The wish fulfillment and the emotions don’t always need to be about our love relationships. As Maslow’s hierarchy of needs indicates, our psychological well-being is an important aspect to our ultimate self actualisation.

Therefore, our vocation and goals are equally important to a happy life and our emotional optimism. Here the nine of cups predicts that a long desired goal or work endeavour is about to be realised. You have probably worked or wished for this with gusto and now you may feel a little overwhelmed or overjoyed that it has landed or is on the horizon.

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In some cases you may be offered something out of the blue or be gifted something that will change your present circumstances significantly. Regardless, you will have an opening of possibility that will blow you away.

In some cases this could be a financial windfall or achievement that will be of great benefit to the progress of a business adventure or a project you are working on that will allow it to go to the next level.

Spiritual meaning

As suggested earlier our emotional fulfillments are a gateway to our self actualisation. And, as this is a minor Arcana, it will most likely be referring to a part of our lives that will be granted a wish come true or help our relational or vocational growth – traditionally or specifically our romantic or love desires. The spiritual significance of this card is it’s potential for us to evolve through our relationships.

We have the potential here to embrace the sweetness of the challenges that come with intimacy – As this card does indeed imply deep intimacy of the heart and personality. The spiritual gift of a true love. Something our souls desire. Something we have all been waiting for. Or, as Plato suggests, the very thing we are here for!

“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
Plato, The Symposium
The nine of cups can also refer to a new spiritual gift or realisation of a universal law that helps one in manifesting. In particular the cultivation of knowledge or wisdom related to soul love and divine partnership. Deepening ones ability to be compassionate, accepting and selfless to name a few.
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Whatever the wish, be it of passion, love or of the material world, the universe is shining upon you and wants to support the evolution of your spirit as a spiritual being having a human experience. Making it a more fortuitous one. You are Blessed.
Warm Blessings
Yoga bali for women

Megan Jackson runs meditation and yoga retreats for women. She has been immersed in spiritual practice and study for 15 years, living it fully, with humility and compassion as her backbones for progress. She lives a quiet life reflecting on the dharma, being with nature and helping others who are wanting change, transformation or spiritual wisdom.

Join her on the Women’s Art & healing retreat in Ubud Bali December 2019

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