King of Pentacle Tarot Card – Love

The King of Pentacles tarot meaning

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” – Buddha

Under a bright yellow sky, we see a sagely figure, with a powerful and peaceful disposition sitting on a thrown with a pentacle in one hand and a royal wand in the other.

The king of Pentacles gives us the impression of stable wealth, along with divine wisdom, a castle and abundant grape vines surrounding affirm the material manifestation of this strength of will. He is solid and firmly grounded in Earth and nature with the strength and power of the bull symbolising such strength.

king of pentacles

We live in an age were our profession, our skills, our knowledge and talents are the means to our survival and effect our capacity for wealth. We live in a monetary system and our strength in managing this will effect our capacity to struggle or to thrive.

This King shows us signs of how a steady and calm mind, as well as knowledge and principles of nature or esoteric wisdom can help us in achieving our dreams or material security.

He sits quietly, almost in reverence, showing us clearly that he is continuing to honour his quietude and knowledge and as well as having deep appreciation for what he has achieved.

king of pentacles tarot

Financial and Vocational Meaning

It is clear from the pentacle that this card is traditionally referring to material wealth and from the royal imagery that there is an inference of mastery within the vocational aspect of the card.

When the king of pentacles appear in a reading it will verify that there is an adequate accumulation of material wealth, that the querent has success on her or his side and money is of no value. It also suggests that a lot of wisdom was acquired along the way.

Financially there will be a time of ease and prosperity. If you have been working towards a vocational or material goal this card rendered the goal a success. Yet, it also asks the aspirant to remember and cherish the knowledge.

The meditation and the gratitude are important to continue as the king knows that to sustain the prosperity of the material world the mind and heart must continue to be balanced, strong sturdy in the wisdom.

meditations works

Love and Relationship Meaning

Wowser, You must have been doing something right, the universe is about to bring you a relationship that will quite literally sweep you off your feet.

If you are not in a relationship this card foretells a deep passionate and loving relationship – not a fleeting superficial one but one with all the constituents of love and pure heart. This king represents a solid Earthy (Taurus – see the bull) genuine heart felt love.

The beauty is this person is not only able to love they are also very grounded and sure in their hearts and their responsibility within the material world. They may be a teacher or a strong social figure, in any case they will have material stability and emotional wisdom.

If you are in a relationship, you may find that something external occurs that will shift the relationship to a deeper level. Often with this card a new home or career offer will bring in a need for discussions around commitment or buying a house together. What ever it is it promises a prosperous and long term union.


Spiritual Meaning

When the King of pentacles appears, it portends to a true solid transformation through wisdom. An abiding or embodying of a truth about reality.

This card is affirming that the recent spiritual insights are becoming solid within your psyche and you are moving from a state of uncertainty to certainty in a particular spiritual understanding.

It points to a level of quality or ripening maturity within the principles of truth.

You will begin to see solid, tangible manifestation of your spiritual insights. Many blessings are being realised. And, you are growing in a profound and honest way.

Beautiful. You are connecting with your divine nature and bringing into the manifest world. Blessings are your middle name!



Warm Blessings


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