Four of Wands tarot card meaning – love

“Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.” – Mae West

Four of Wands tarot meaning

Keywords: Joy, happiness, Love, friends, celebrations, home, visitations, co-operation, surprise.

four of wands tarot

“Home sweet home” slips from the lips, with great astonishment, of the one who draws the four of wands tarot card. It depicts a good feeling, a celebration of life and in particular a joy of the immediate environment or home with a hint of the universe cheering you on.

We see in the illustration a couple  with an air of festivity upon a yellow sky (symbolising intelligent application) with a backdrop of a castle (symbolising a fortress of obstacle) – noticing the couple are moving away from the castle in celebration towards the four wands representing arriving at a completion of a goal.

The Four of wands in Love can often depict a triumph in love – usually a commitment has been made and the two are joyous, as their love has been through a stage of trial and tests that have brought them through to a greater promise and deepening of love that moves beyond the mind – the soul is activated.

tarot 4 of wands

This card can specifically portend to a  marriage – a commitment of the hearts that is expressed in ceremony.

If you have just met someone new this card could be quite surprising as it prophetises a successful union. You know that feeling when you meet someone new and your heart beats fast and you feel an overwhelming happiness or excitement – sometimes when this happens it can be a karmic relationship that will pull you to the depths of agony, plucking out every feather of karma – that’s not this card -when the four of wands appears that feeling of joy and connection is affirmed – the potential of the relationship has been universally stamped with true love by the gods and goddesses.

In work, vocation or goals this card speaks of news or confirmation of a goal reached that warrants time for festivity – usually after much diligence and commitment. You have manifested the desired outcome – yet there is an element of surprise expected – a little gift of something more, something better than imagined has arrived or is on it’s way.

4 of wands fortune cookie
Four of Wand fortune cookie

Spiritually the four of wands suggests that you have overcome a great obstacle and you may be a little in awe of the new realisations pouring forth from your heart. There will be a revelation or a realised perspective that previously lay dormant and has been integrated; has manifested into your consciousness. And it is one that causes sincere joy and peace in your life.

In the Kabblistic tradition the four of wands is associated with Jupiter – the star of realised dreams, prosperity, joy and affirmation of the soul – You have overcome and are about to see the fruits of your labour.

Feel into it – nourish this new reality, allow it fully – you were born to be happy – The four of wands is giving you declaration of this truth!

Warm Blessings

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